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R2-D2 Life-Size Figure by Sideshow Collectibles (Local Pick Up Only)

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Price: $6,999.99
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“beep bweep waaaaAAAAAA!” 

R2-D2 might just be the hero of the entire Star Wars universe. This plucky Astromech droid has saved the “heroes”, delivered vital information to the Rebels, and provided a breath of much needed comic relief in a galaxy far far away when things go to the dark side.

In honor of our favorite copilot, Sideshow is proud to present the R2-D2 Life-Size Star Wars Figure, to deliver plans straight from the Rebellion to your Star Wars collectiblecollection!  This Limited Edition Figure features a brand-new sculpt of our old friend, to make him look more realistic than ever before.  

Standing at 48 inches, this R2-D2 unit is in prime condition and features a moveable dome, which can be swiveled left or right to give him the right attitude.  Holographic projectors can be rotated as well, giving you additional options for posing him.
This droid’s dome also includes screen-accurate light-up features and sounds that bring him to life with the push of a button, wherever you choose to display him.  These sounds and lights are activated by a remote control which stores in a hidden compartment on R2’s body next to his speaker.  Activate the Astromech with his signature beeps and bwoops to bring the Star Wars saga to life in your living room!
R2-D2 stands atop a Millenium Falcon themed base to give an added air of presence to your Star Wars collection.
Lead the Rebellion with this trusty droid by your side.  This Life-Size R2-D2 is an incredible addition to any collection and brings the world of Star Wars wherever he goes.




Our Grading System
Item Grade = ‘100’
We do not grade any items at ‘100’ because extremely small flaws may be present, but not noticeable upon inspection.

Item Grade = ‘95’
This item is in near-mint to mint condition with no visible flaws.

Item Grade = ‘90’
This item is in near mint condition and may have extremely minor wear such as slight sticker damage or very minor surface scratches.

Item Grade = ‘85’
This item is in excellent to near mint condition and may have minor wear such as: small paint scuffs, minor sticker wear, minor surface scratches.

Item Grade = ‘80’
This item is in very good condition with some moderate wear such as: moderate sticker wear, moderate paint scuffing & scratching, minor paint chips.

Item Grade = ‘75’
This item is in fair to good condition with moderate wear such as: heavy sticker wear, paint chips, scuffs, somewhat loose joints, scratches and overall signs of use. Please closely inspect the images to view the wear present on this item.

Item Grade = ‘70’
This item is in fair condition with more extensive wear such as: heavy sticker wear, paint chips, scuffs, scratches, loose joints, minor stains and overall signs of use. Please closely inspect the images to view the wear present on this item.

Item Grade = ‘65’
This item is in somewhat poor to fair condition with heavy wear to some aspects of the item. Damage and wear may include: heavy sticker wear, paint chips, loose joints, scratched plastic, stains, worn paint and overall signs of heavy use. Please closely inspect the images of this item to view what may be damaged

Item Grade = ‘60’
This item is in poor condition with heavy wear to many aspects of the item. Significant damage may include: heavy sticker wear, heavy scratching, paint chips, loose joints, scratched plastic, stains, breakage to non-structural parts. This is the lowest grade item we offer and not recommended for display. Please closely inspect the pictures of this item to view what is damaged.

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