You searched for all products priced from $100.00 to $200.00
1984 Kenner The Real Ghostbusters Proton Pack (GB139D)
1980 Kenner Star Wars ESB AT-ST Scout Walker Complete with Box (1R4)
1984 Hasbro Transformers G1 Dinobot Snarl with Box (1N)
1983 Kenner Star Wars ROTJ 77 Back The Emperor (SWC28U)
1985 Hasbro Transformers G1 Grapple with Box (1L)
1980 Kenner Star Wars ESB 41 Back Rebel Commander (SWC77X)
1983 Kenner Star Wars 77 Back Wicket W. Warrick (SWC93CC)
1980 Kenner Star Wars ESB 41 Back Imperial Commander (SWC42BB)
Kenner 1978 12" Star Wars R2-D2 with Box (72CC)
1983 Kenner Star Wars ROTJ 79 Back Rancor Keeper (SWC76OO)
1984 Hasbro GI Joe SHARC with Box (1DD)
1980 Kenner Star Wars Rebel Armored Snowspeeder Complete with Box (1C5)
Kenner 1986 Centurions Ace McCloud with Box (1J)
1984 Bandai Godaikin Dynaman Figure with Box (1C)
Kenner 1986 Silverhawks Stronghold with Box (1B)
1983 Kenner Star Wars ROTJ 77 Back Princess Leia Organa in Combat Poncho (SWC70EE)
1984 Kenner The Real Ghostbusters Ecto 1 Ambulance COMPLETE (1I)
1985 Kenner Super Powers Carded 33 Back Orion (C28C)